Palmetto Railways
AT A GLANCE Miles of Track: 46 Employees: 72 Carloads handled: 136,000 carloads Equipment: 12 engines |
Address: 540 East Bay Street, Charleston, SC 29403
Phone: (843) 727-2067
FREIGHT TARIFF PR 8001-H – Click to view .pdf
- Jeffrey M. McWhorter, President and CEO
- Sheri Cooper, Vice President and CFO
- Curtis Broughton, Vice President and COO
- Patrick McCrory, Vice President and CCO
As a division of the South Carolina Department of Commerce, Palmetto Railways operates three railroad subdivisions. The Charleston and North Charleston Subdivisions provide switching services to the terminals of the South Carolina State Ports Authority and other various industries in Charleston County, interchanging with CSX Transportation and Norfolk Southern. The Charity Church Subdivision, located in southern Berkeley County serves BP Chemical, Nucor Steel and Santee Cooper Cross Generating Station, interchanging with CSX Transportation. Palmetto Railways also provides construction and maintenance of track, repair and leasing of locomotives and consulting services for economic development.
Counties served: Charleston, Dorchester & Berkeley
Principal commodities: Vehicles, Chemicals, Paper, Coal, Equipment, Steel, Plastic Resins, Agricultural, and Lumber Products
Principal Shippers: BP Chemical, BMW, WestRock, Kapstone, GE, Santee Cooper, Lansing, Frontier Logistics, Siemens, Westinghouse, Nucor, SSA Marine